MONDO GRONK | Photographs by Gronk Nicandro

Mondo Gronk
Photographs by Gronk Nicandro
Essay by Patricio Maya
8.5×11 in, 22×28 cm 60 Pages
Softcover | Exhibition Catalog | Perfect bound
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ISBN 9781388737917
Spanning the late 1970’s through much of the 1980’s, these black and white images present a visual record of Gronk’s photographic work that includes the East L.A. avant-garde art collective, ASCO (Spanish for nausea) and it’s conceptual counter-cinema movement, NO MOVIE (making movies without the use of celluloid). This alternative cinema was forged from the refusal of Chicanos to accept their lack of access to Hollywood. They constructed single-frame idealized images of daily life, like a still from a film, that would tell a whole story.