The Surfing Essay | Photographs by Anthony Friedkin

Introduction by John Durant
Interview by Stacy Peralta
13" x 11" 138 pgs | 93 B&W photographs
Hardcover | Imagewrap
"Among photographers working today nobody comes close to Anthony Friedkin and his unique ability to capture the essence of surfing culture and evoke the power and mystery of the ocean. If we let go and simply revel in the beauty and bite of Friedkin’s photographs we will learn a thing or two about life."
– Julian Cox
"The word surf is for people disconnected from the normal society, with a different perception of themselves. The ocean changes them to a beatnik-like natural sense of the self. Looking at Friedkin’s book you get the separation of differences, human nomads in a bigger world than themselves, lost in their Blue World on the surface of the waves. His photos feel like your are there in their Ocean cult."
--John Van Hamersveld
"There's something beautifully imprecise about these black & white images, almost organic, the way they look. After seeing millions of super-saturated super sharpened surf pictures-these are almost...dreamy."
-- Rusty Preisendorfer
"As I flip though these pages I am taken on a walk down memory lane in the Santa Monica of my youth. Many of the faces I know - many of the photos are reminiscent of my experiences observing the water and waves as a Los Angeles County beach lifeguard."
--Nachum Shifren, The Surfing Rabbi